Saturday, August 27, 2011

Chapter 34

“It’s too quiet out here”, Carter said.  “I don’t like it.”

“Me neither”, Will said.  “Dad always taught us to trust our gut.  Mine is saying that something is coming and we’re not going to like it.”

“I know we’re supposed to be doing a perimeter sweep, but I just have to know.  What was it like growing up with Morbus as your Dad?”

“He’s just like any other father.  And we got to spend a lot of time with the younger Draiman kids.  I’m actually only ten months younger than Jessi and Marc.”

“Who’s Jessi?  Is she here?”

“No.  She’s the baby of the family.  The last of the ten Draiman kids.  My mother was the surrogate that carried them.”

“Why did the Draiman’s need a surrogate?”

“You haven’t met David and Brie have you?”

“No.  I haven’t had the honor.”

“David will tell you it’s not much of one and Brie will just smile brightly at you.  Anyway, you’ve been to the main house by now and you’ve seen the family photos that are scattered throughout, right?”

“Yeah.  I take it that of the short woman and bald man are David and Brie.”

“That would be correct.  Now, the story as I understand it is that after Maddie- the one of the girls that looks just like Brie- there was a miscarriage that almost took Brie.  It was bloody and bad.  David left the room to ask Danny something, went back to the room to hear Brie crying in the bathroom and found her in the floor screaming about how bad it hurt.  He leaves to call the Agency headquarters and finds her unconscious in the bathroom, lying on the toilet.  He moved her to find blood all over the place.  The miscarriage was the precursor to Brie going into early menopause.”

“So the infamous quads I keep hearing about?”

“Are James M. Draiman, Esquire; Dr. Jeremiah A. Draiman, PhD; Dr. Meagan L. Draiman, PhD; and Oscar and Grammy award winning Choreographer Makayla D. Draiman- Hamilton.”

“So, where are Marc and Jessi?”

“Marc is here as well.  His wife is the daughter of JJ Juarez.”

“The director?”

“Yeah.  And Marc is an award winner as well.  Jessi lives in Israel with her husband and new baby girl.”

“Does she live there to stay close to her parents?”

“No, she lives there because she works for the US Embassy to Israel in Jerusalem.”

“Ah.  Gotcha.  It’s interesting to learn so much about the Draiman family.  Will there be a time where I can meet David and Brie?”

“Who knows, man?  They left before you came here and who knows when they’ll be back.”

“Ah.  That kinda sucks.”

“It happens.”

Travis pulled up on one of the four wheelers.  “Dad and I caught someone on the SE side of the property.  Dad’s calling Jake as we speak and he told me to come get you two.”

“Alright, little brother.  We’re right behind you”, Will said as he started his four wheeler.  He and Carter roared off after Travis to see what was going on and if Carter recognized the person that had been snooping around in the woods.


He knew it was a long shot that John would still be up, but David had to try.  He needed to see if there was any way to get the kids’ father’s number.  He sat at the kitchen table with his fingers crossed and prayed that John would answer the phone.  “Moyer residence”, the familiar voice of a young man said.

“Seth, it’s Great- Uncle David.  Is your grandfather around?”

“Yeah, Uncle David.”

“Is he still awake?”

“Yup.  Let me get him for you.”  He heard the young man call out for his grandfather and laughed.  “Here he comes.”

“Thank you Seth.”

“Uncle David, when are you going to call me Eddie like I’ve asked.”

“As Aunt Brie would say, on the twelfth of never.  I’ll call you Edward.”

The young man groaned.  “Fine.”  He went quiet for a moment.  “Here’s Grandpa John.”

John was laughing in the background.  “Hey David.  Is my grandson giving you problems?”

“A few, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“True.  You have ten kid and how many grandkids now?”

“Twenty- five.”

“Who just had a baby?”

“Jeremiah and Jona had a little girl.  Her name is Rina and she’s adorable.”

“I bet Skyler a happy guy.”

“Yeah.  Last time I checked.  Haven’t talked to him since we left.”

“Oh yeah, you two were there for the birth, weren’t you?”

“Yep.  And we came home with two extra.”

“Which two?”

“Levi and Jasmine, which is why I’m calling.  Are you still the Intel genius I used to know you to be?”

“Yep.  What do you need?”

“I need a phone number.”

“That’s the easiest thing in the world to find.  Whose number is it?”

“Reece Tyson.  He’s the man who was the sperm donor to both Jordan and Davina.  I need to talk to him about something that’s rather important.”

“The kids?”

“Yeah.  And while you’re at it, will you check to see if he still has his parental rights?”

“Not a problem.  Let me transfer the call to my office and I’ll take care of it all from there.”  The line went dead momentarily before John picked up again.  “Alright, I’m back.  So, Reece Tyson, right?”

“Yeah.  Reece Tyson.  I need his number and to know if he held onto his rights.”

There was the noise of keys clicking as John typed.  “Google reveals that he lives in Denver.”  John rattled off the address and phone number.  “Gimme just a sec to see if I can access their birth certificates to see if he’s named.”  A few more key strokes and John said, “Aha!  He is named on both birth certificates and I also found a petition to the court requesting that he sign them over.  The ruling was in favor of Reece.”

“Davina asked that he sign his rights to Jasmine over?”

“Not just to Jasmine.  To Levi as well.  She wanted to give them to Jordan and for Jordan to allow to give them to her for Levi.  The court ruled that because they were married they both had the rights and having Reece sign them over would be pointless.  And that’s literally the wording from the judge’s ruling.  He said, ‘Mr. Tyson signing over his parental rights to the two minor children named in the petition would be pointless’, and he goes on to list his reasoning.”

“Uhuh, that’s insane.  I can’t believe that.”

“Neither can I and it’s right here in front of my face.  What’s going on that you’re asking for this information?”

“Jordan was kidnapped about two or three months ago and the boys had to do rescue her.  A few weeks ago, the she called and told me that she and Davina had split up.  The kids are telling Brie and I that Davina is neglectful and Jasmine had a dream that Jordan died.  I don’t think Jordan’s going to die, but I need to talk to these kids’ father about what he knows about what goes on anyway.”

“You’re going to see if Reece has any insight into the marital strife between Jordan and Davina?”

“Yep.  I want to know how long this has been going on.”

“If it were Kylie, I’d be all over it too so I don’t blame you.  Well, I’ve got a party to stop.  If you should speak to Logan before I do tell him to call me because his son is about to die.”

“Is he throwing a rager at his rock star grandpa’s house?”

“Yeah, for the football team.  They took nationals and Kristen and I have been up all night.  I’d LOVE to get some sleep right now, but sleeping isn’t going to happen as long as Seth has his team over.”

“I know how that goes.  I remember when James would have his parties.  Thankfully, he’d ask if we could throw it elsewhere and chaperone.”

“So the Draiman house was never wrecked from parties?”

“Not homestead.  Malachai’s house has been from the different parties that Isaiah and Miranda have thrown.”

“Well, Logan needs to come get his son so that he can do these parties.”

“I’ll have Jake let him know.  Go run off the teenagers.  I’ve got another phone call to make.  If I remember what Jordan said Reece works nights.”

“Technically.  He’s at a competition right now.  He’s a pro skateboarder.  The new age Tony Hawk.”

“Nice.  Let me give him a call, then.  I’ll check back with you later.  Thanks again.”

“No problem.  Let me know how it goes?”

“Soon, brother.  I’ve got to make the call first.”


After he walked into his room in Milwaukee, he collapsed on the bed and kicked off his shoes.  It had been a hell of a day.  He’d had some killer runs that day though.  The free style course was his high point, but he still had yet to do that half pipe.  That was going to be his crowning glory.

As he reached out and grabbed the remote to the TV in his room, his phone started blowing up.  He checked the number and it wasn’t one he recognized.  “Hello?” he said.

“Reece Tyson?” a man’s voice said.  The voice was strong and deep.  It sounded like he’d heard it before but never directed at him.

“Yes.  Whom may I ask is calling?”

“My name is David Draiman.  I’m Jordan Draiman’s father.”

“You mean the former front man for Disturbed, David Draiman?”

“Among one of the many other hats I’ve worn over the last 73 years of my life.”

“Wow.  I’m surprised to hear from you.  I thought that you never wanted to speak to me.”

“Really?  Who told you that?”

“Davina, Jordan’s wife.”

“Is that a fact?  Did she say why?”

“She said that you were never really accepting of Jordan being a lesbian and the thought of her having to be artificially inseminated pissed you off.  She told me that you don’t even treat Jasmine like she’s family.  I thought that was pretty fucked up because you always preached about equality and tolerance.  I take it none of that is true.”

“It couldn’t be further from the truth, Reece.  My wife and I have always been supportive of Jordan’s lifestyle.  When she told us that she was going to adopt the child you and her ex Samantha were going to have together, we were excited for her.  My only complaint was that she was going to call the boy Jo Jo.”

“Yeah, I laughed when she told me that.  So, my daughter is like family to you?”

“Yes, Levi and Jasmine are our grandchildren.  As a matter of fact, they’re here with us.”

“And where exactly is here?”


“What?  Why are the kids in Jerusalem?”

“It’s a rather long story, one that I would rather tell you in person.”

“Is this an invitation to meet you and your lovely wife in Jerusalem and to see my kids?”

“If you’d like it to be, Reece.”

Reece Tyson sighed.  “This competition isn’t really that important and my agent will be pissed but my kids are far more important.”

“You’re telling me that you’re going to leave the competition you’re in to fly to Israel to meet with me and my wife?”

“Yes.  I want to find out what else Davina has lied to me about as well as see my children.  I haven’t seen them in several months when the court has ordered every other week at when mine and Jordan’s schedules don’t conflict.”

“Why is everything based on Jordan’s schedule?”

“Because first of all, she’s the one I have the most contact with, and second because her schedule is always so hectic with being a recording artist.  Anyway, Davina and I don’t really get along now that Jasmine’s been born.”

“Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about Jordan and Davina’s dynamic at home?”

“Go ahead.  I’ll tell you whatever I can now that I know that Davina’s a liar.”

“Well, I’ll save the detailed questions for your arrival here at Ben Gurian and the trip between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.  I will ask you this, though.  When you would see them at home, did they fight and argue a lot?”

“Jordan and Davina?”


“Jordan would really try not to, especially if I’m there to see the kids.  Jordan would always tell her that you and her mother didn’t fight in front of the kids, if you two even fought at all.  She’d ask Davina to either wait until the kids and I weren’t present or to take it to their room.  I think Davina delights in trying to get Jordan’s goad.”

“Thank you.  When can we expect you to be here so that I know when to be in Tel Aviv to pick you up?”

“I could get a driver.”

“The address of my home isn’t public knowledge, Reece.  I’d like to keep it that way.”

“Understandable, Mr. Draiman.  What time is it there?”

“You’re in Milwaukee?”

“Yes sir.”

“We’re eight hours ahead of you.  It’s 10am here.”

“It’s about 2am here.  Ok.  I can call you back as soon as I have my ticket booked and I’ll let you know when I’ll arrive.”

“Sounds good to me.  I’m sure you’re tired, though and you want to get some sleep.”

“I can sleep on the plane.  I’m going to grab my computer and get on that as soon as we hang up.  I’m also going to call my agent and tell him to pull me from the competition.  My kids are far more important to me than this skating thing.  It’s not like it’s the fucking X- Games.”

“Call me as soon as you know when you’ll be here.  When the kids get up, I’ll tell them that you’re coming out for a visit.”

“Thank you, Mr. Draiman.  I look forward to finally meeting you.”

“And I you.”


“I’m never going to tell you where he is, so why don’t you just kill me?” the woman said from inside the shed that Morbus used to store his toys and do his interrogating.

“Why would I want to do that?” Morbus teased.  “You have something I want and I’ll do whatever I have to do to get it.  What you don’t seem to understand my dear is that you’re no good to me dead.”

“But there’s no way you’re going to let me leave here alive.”

“It depends on why you were really snooping around the property and why you assume I’m looking for someone.”

“That’s the only reason David Draiman would call in his old bodyguard, isn’t it?”

“David didn’t call me in.”

“Oh.  Then why are you here?”

“I’m the one that asks the question, dear.  So, why are you here?”

“I was sent by Porter Grissom to look for a traitor named Thomas Carter, but I’m really trying to desert.”

“And what does Mr. Grissom want with Mr. Carter?”

“Why am I telling you all of this?”

“Because I really don’t want to kill such a pretty young woman as yourself and I really don’t want to torture you because I don’t want to mess up such a pretty face.  It’s bad enough I’m a monster.  We don’t need more in the world.  I’m bad enough.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“What don’t you believe?  That I don’t want to hurt you or that I’m as hideous as I say I am?”


Morbus reached up and pulled back his hood, revealing his scarred and mangled face.  “Do you believe me now?” he asked, squatting down to her level.  He grabbed her face and made her look at him.

She screamed and closed her eyes.  “No.  Please don’t hurt me!” she cried.

“I told you that I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Are you going soft in your old age, Morbus?” a voice asked from the door.  It was a man who sounded a lot like David Draiman.  If one didn’t know better, they could have sworn that it was David Draiman.  The body was shadowed intentionally so as not to reveal the man’s true identity.

“Not at all, Mr. Draiman”, Morbus said.  “But, you know how the Master Guns trained me not to hurt a woman unless it was absolutely necessary.”

“Ah yes, the Master Guns.”  She saw brown eyes shift to her.  “Unless you want to get hurt dear, I suggest you tell Morbus everything he wants to know.  If you do that and you prove that you have no intention of bringing harm to my family, you can go free.  If you prove a liar, I may not kill you, Morbus may not kill you, but you won’t live to regret lying to that man.  You have my word on that.  We’ll give you a little time to consider your answer.”  He looked back to the tall hooded bodyguard.  “Morbus?”  The scarred man followed him out of the building and off a little ways up the path so that she couldn’t hear the remainder of the discussion.  “Mr. Draiman?  Nice touch, Morbus.  I loved it.”

“Well, technically, you are my boss until I retire and that won’t be until this whole mess is resolved.”

“Once Jordan follows her fate and kills Porter Grissom.  I hear that the FBI wants his ass for several murders, including the two kids that were in ashes that came home with Miri a few months ago.  The IRS wants him too.  I don’t think there’s an agency amongst the Federal Alphabet soup that doesn’t want a piece of Porter Grissom.”

“Well, once Jordan does what she needs to do, the IRS can seize the bastard’s assets and dissolve York Industries.”

“Yep.  Well Morbus, as much as playing my father was fun, I need to get back inside and play father to my own children.  My wife is going insane by now, I’m sure.”

“Alright.  Thanks a ton, Jake.  I think hearing you shook her enough to make her want to talk.”

“Let’s hope it did and that she tells the truth.  I’m sure that Maddie wouldn’t mind ending her if need be.”

“Maddie’s a scary little thing.  As scary as your mother at her worst.”

“My mom’s scary?”

“Oh, you have no idea.  I’ll have to tell you the stories sometime.  You might die laughing, but it might make you think differently about your Mom.  Just a warning.”

“I look forward to hearing those stories sometime.  I will certainly have to hold you to that.”

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