Saturday, August 27, 2011

Chapter 33

Finally, Jordan’s cast came off.  It took her a little getting used to putting weight in her right side again, but after a few days she was nearly putting full weight back on the leg.  Maddie and Delilah were working with her using massage to help strengthen the scar tissue, and Jordan dove into training. Morbus went right into kicking her ass on the training course.

When she came in, she never uttered a word in complaint.  She put ice on her leg, then heat, and went about her business.  When asked if she was in pain, she would respond with, “It’s nothing I can’t handle”, and went about the rest of her day.

But, on the training course, it was a different story.  The pain that would shoot through her leg and her ribs was nearly unbearable.  She was grateful that she had her brothers, Skyler and Morbus outside to push her through everything.  One day after she’d been out of the cast for about three weeks she was having trouble with the run Morbus had her on.  She’d limped up the hill they were running and stopped, putting all of her weight on her right leg.  “I can’t run any further”, she cried.  “It hurts too much.”

“What was Uncle Matt’s motto?” Jeremiah asked.

“I know, but I can’t feel my foot.”

“Pain is weakness leaving the body, Jordan”, Morbus said.  “Keep pushing.  You can do this, Jordan.”

“Come on, Jord.  You can do this.  If you want a country where Levi and Jasmine can still go outside to play and NOT have to have someone like Morbus nearby, then you  have to keep going”, Jake reminded her.  “Come on, Jordan.  Keep going.  We’re almost done.”

Jordan looked at Jake and he watched her eyes go cold.  The human that was there and in pain drained away to a monster that was lurking inside that felt no pain and knew nothing of injury.  All it knew how to do was inflict pain.  It just needed to learn how to do so and not get caught.  Jordan took off at top speed up the hill.  She felt nothing as she climbed the hill and hit the training grounds with her brothers, Skyler, and Morbus on her heels.  “Good push Jordan”, Skyler said with a smile of pride on his face.  “I’m sure you father would be proud and so am I.”

“Let’s run it one more time”, Morbus said.  “Unless you’re in too much pain.”

Jordan’s cold eyes turned to Morbus. “Hell no, I want some more.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to quit for the day now?” Morbus asked.

“Hell no.  I want some fucking more.”  And she took off without another word.

The men all exchanged a look.  “What just happened?” Jeremiah asked.

“I reminded her of the hell we lived as kids”, Jake said.  “I know you don’t really remember the war but Jordan, Malachai and I do.  We couldn’t play outside without Dad or Morbus or Uncle Matt- someone close by.  It was essentially living in prison.  I know none of us want that for our children, but Jordan has had the hardest time dealing with it.  I’m trying to make her use it as fuel rather than a crutch.”

“Well, I would have to say it worked”, Skyler said.  “Let’s see if we can’t catch up with her.”


Neither David nor Brie Draiman took it lightly when a child woke up screaming from a dream.  Their granddaughter Jasmine doing so was no exception.  When they heard the scream they both jumped.  David had been awake because he still had difficulty sleeping, even after 73 years of life.  Brie heard the scream and jolted from a dead sleep where she lay on his chest.

When they ran into the room, they saw Jasmine’s older brother holding her.  “Jazz, it’s ok, baby sis.  We’re gonna be ok.  Shh.”  He rocked her and rubbed her back.

“Is everything ok, Levi?” David asked.

“I don’t know, Grampa.  She hasn’t stopped crying enough to tell me what happened.”

“Mama’s dead”, Jasmine screamed.

“What?” Levi said.  “Mama or Mama Davi?”

“Mama Jordan.  I dreamed she died and we went to live in Hawaii with Mama Davi’s family.”

“Is going to Mama Davi’s family in Hawaii a bad thing?” Brie asked.

Both children nodded.  “It can be”, Levi said.  “Our Aunts and Uncles won’t say anything out loud, but our cousins are really mean to us.  Especially to me.”

“Why is that?” David asked.

The boy shrugged.  “I don’t know.  I think it’s because I don’t have the same color skin they do, and Mom’s a girl not a boy.  The rest of them all have moms and dads.  What none of them know is that we have two moms and a dad.”

“You guys get to see your father?”

“Yeah.  Daddy Reece is awesome.  Mom insists that we need the male role model in our lives.  Mama Davi isn’t so sure about it.”

“Here’s a question, Levi.  I want you to answer me honestly and don’t think about the fact that Gramma and I are your Mom’s Mama and Daddy.  Can you do that for me, grandson?”

“Yes, Grampa.”

“If something were to happen to Mama Jordan, God forbid, do you think your father would try to step in and get you guys?”


“Who would you rather live with?”

“Dad”, they both said.

“Why do you say that?”

“Mom has a strict schedule set up for us and she always wants to do what will be the best for us.  Dad usually tries to stick to that.  Mom wants us to be normal kids and so does Dad.  Mama Davi always makes us go on the road with Mom and we have to have tutors.  Mom hates that expense.  She says that we need to stay in school when she tours during the school year and she hates having to hire tutors.  Dad agrees with Mom.”

“If your Moms were to split up, who would you want to stay with?”

“Mama Jordan”, they both said.  “Mama Jordan always holds me when I’m scared and she plays with me.  Mama Davi won’t do that.  She says she has better things to do”, Jasmine said.

“Mom will even take time out of writing for a new record to play with us.”

David and Brie exchanged a look.  “Ok.  I guess that answers that”, David said.  “Jazz, sweetie, would you believe me if I told you that Mama Jordan is ok?”

“Can I talk to her?”  The little girl was on the verge of tears.

David looked over his shoulder to Brie.  “Let me check the documents first, David.  I think it’s ok if we initiate contact with one parent or the other, but let me be sure”, Brie said.


She left the room and the little girl went from her brother to her Grampa.  “I miss Mama, Grampa.  When can we go home?”

“I don’t know yet, sweetie.”


“There are a lot of things involved in you two staying here.  I’m going to stay in contact with Mama and Uncle Jake to see when you two can go home.”

Brie came back in.  “We can call her so that the kids can talk to her, but neither of them can call to talk to the kids.”  She held his phone out to him.

He took the phone and dialed his daughter’s number.  When she picked up the phone, he could tell that something had changed.  He stood and left the room speaking low to Jordan in Hebrew.  When he came back he put the phone on speaker and let the kids speak to their Mama.  The told her how much they missed her and how they wanted to be home with her.  She told them she loved them and that she wanted them home with her but she couldn’t have them there for the moment and that she hoped that changed soon.  When they say goodbye, David took the phone and left the room as Brie got the kids settled back down for bed.  It was 4am after all.  “Is everything ok with you, Jordan?” he asked.

“Yeah, Dad.  I’m fine.  Pain is fuel.  The emotional pain I’m feeling right now because I can’t be with my babies will go right into my physical training tomorrow and my weapons training.  The sooner I get rid of the bastard that Grissom the sooner I can have my kids back.”

The tone of his oldest daughter’s voice frightened David Draiman and he fought a shiver off that tried to shoot down his spine.  “Focus on your training for now, Jordan.  Don’t let the kids distract you.”

“They’re not a distraction, Dad.  They’re my motivation.  I’ve got to go now, Dad.  I’m need to get a bite to eat and a shower before bed and I’ve got to be up early.  Morbus has me running the course in the morning.”

“Good luck, Jordan.”

“Thanks Dad but I don’t need it.”

“Nonetheless, Jordan.  Good luck.  We’ll talk again soon.”


There was a strange feeling in the air that evening.  Jake didn’t know what it meant, but he knew it was there because his gut just wouldn’t leave him alone.  “Morbus, is there any way possible that you can check in with me once an hour on the hour as you and your team sweep the property?” he asked the family bodyguard over the phone as his wife got their children ready for bed.

“Sure thing, Jake.  What’s the problem?”

“I don’t know, but my gut says something’s wrong.  I hope I’m wrong.”

“Your gut’s as bad as your mother’s I swear, Jacob.  That’s what I’m afraid of.”

“You and me both, Morbus.  The thought that there’s something lurking in the woods and my gut is warning me is frightening.”

“The thought that there’s something out here alone should worry you.  I may need you boys to pick up guns and help me out.”

“I’ll have all of the men keep a rifle in their rooms and have Skyler and Kaylian- as well as Jeremiah and Jona- stay in here tonight.  Keep me informed.”

“I hated it when your father would say that to me during the war.  It meant that something was coming because his monologues had pissed someone off.”

“His monologues were always pissing people off.  I remember those days as well as everyone else does.”

Morbus chuckled.  “I remember that.  Hell, I remember your first birthday.  You and Jordan with your brown curls and similar but different outfits.”

“Because we’re fraternal twins.  I remember the quads first birthday.  They were all dressed alike, but Mom and Dad had no liking for it.  Everyone else thought it was cute.”

“I wasn’t there for the quads first one, I don’t think.  But I certainly remember yours and Jordan’s, as well as Maddie’s.”  Morbus heaved a sigh.  “I’ll keep an eye out and have the guys keep an eye out.  That Carter guy has been saying that something doesn’t feel right as well, so we’ll be careful.”

“If possible, capture one and interrogate him.  The more information we have the more prepared we can be.”

“You got it, Jake.  I’ll talk to you in an hour.”

When they hung up, Jake sat back in his chair and stared at his computer screen.  He knew he needed to look at the new MRI for his long time patient, Yvette Jennings- St. Charles.  The former Army Corporal that spent the entire two years he spent treating her flirting with him and thinking she was 13.  Now, she was a happily married 35 year old woman with a wonderful family.  He opened the file that held the test images so that he could study them.  Quickly, he read the attachment that Dr. Thibodaux.  “Jake, call the patient please.  She thinks you don’t care anymore.  Give her a courtesy call and let her know that you still have interest in her case.  Tom.”  Jake couldn’t help but chuckle as he picked up his office phone and dialed the number.  “Hello?” a familiar voice said.

“Yes, my name is Dr. Draiman.  I’m calling for Mrs. St. Charles.”

“Ah.  Dr. Draiman.  I’ve been wondering when I was going to hear from you”, Yvette said.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. St. Charles.  I’ve been rather preoccupied.  There are crazy things going on at home and that’s where I’m needed right now.”

“Is everything ok?”

“My twin sister has been injured recently and I need to help her through that.  She has a huge vendetta that she needs to settle and stuff like that.”

“Ooh, sounds serious.  I hope she knows what she’s doing, Doctor.  It would really suck for us to have to read about her funeral in the paper.  I know she’s a big star and everything.  Burying her can’t be something that your parents look forward to doing.”

“They won’t have to worry about that.  She has a wonderful trainer.”

“I can’t help but feel that I should talk to her.”

“Yvette, not only is it uncalled for, it’s unnecessary.  She has the entire family for support, a wonderful trainer, and no children to have to worry about.  Anyway, it would be highly inappropriate.  You’re my patient.”

“I’ve also been in a place similar where I felt like I needed to get even with the people that were responsible for my condition when I met you and you became my doctor.  Your sister may be in over her head.”

“I assure you, Mrs. St. Charles, that we have everything under control.  Thank you for your concern.  Now, I’d like to discuss your MRI results.   Dr. Thibodaux tells me that you’re having headaches?”

She sighed.   “Yeah, they come and go.”

“Well, your MRI doesn’t show anything wrong and neither does your CT scan.  The only thing I can think to tell you is that you may need to see a different kind of doctor for these headaches.  How long have you been having them?”

“They’re actually rather recent.  Since my daughter started school.”

“They’re probably stress headaches.  I can recommend you to a counselor as well as several massage therapists should you feel the need to get a massage.”

“How many massage therapists do you know?”

“Several, all of which work for my wife, sister, sister in law and her brother.  The sister in law’s brother is a licensed acupuncturist.”

“Wow.  I’ll take that into consideration.  Thank you, Dr. Draiman.  And if you want me to talk to your sister, let me know.  I’d be happy to share my experience.”

“I doubt it will come to that, but I’ll keep it in mind, Mrs. St. Charles.  You have my numbers if you need me.  My work cell, the office number, ect.  Call if you need a phone number and I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m available.”

“Alright.  I’ll talk to you later, Dr. D.”

“I knew you couldn’t resist.  You went all formal on me.  I knew it was only a matter of time before you fell back into old habits.”

“I couldn’t help it, you’re right.  I’ll talk to you later.  I’ll call should I decide to take you up on that offer.”


“Brie, I think her mind broke”, David said as he sipped his coffee.

She took a sip of her tea as they sat and talked on the back patio and watched the sunrise.  “What do you mean, baby?”

“When I stepped out of the room to talk to her, her voice was cold and distant.  It was only when I told her that the kids needed to hear her voice to know that she was ok that she sounded half normal.  After she spoke to the kids, she went cold again.  It was like a switch was flipped.  I wonder what Morbus is doing to her that she’s broken like that.”

“I highly doubt it’s Morbus, love.  Are any of the boys helping Morbus with training her?”

“Jake, Jeremiah, and Skyler.”

“Ah.  I think I figured it out.”


“One of them said something to help motivate her and it did exactly what you said.  It flipped a switch.  She’s channeling the anger and pain she feels into training.  It’s nothing you or I wouldn’t do.  The only difference is that you and I know how to handle the aftermath.  Jordan’s never taken a human life before.”

“So?  The only of our children that had until the boys went and rescued Jordan was Malachai.”

“I think Jake has too, but he’ll never tell us.”

“No way.  He takes his oath far too seriously.”

“Remember that car accident when Jake first took over at the Chief of Medicine at CSMC?”


“I think that’s when it happened.  I can’t prove anything, of course.  I mean, didn’t you notice the distinct change in his mood and behavior from that point on?”

He took a few minutes to think about it.  “Wow, you’re right, not surprisingly.”

“I know my son.  Anyway, we insisted that the boys all learn how to shoot.  We didn’t insist that all the girls learn.  Jordan and Meagan opted out of the firearms training.  Each of our children that trained knows how to disconnect from the act.  Jordan is pushing herself to catch up with everyone in a very short amount of time.”

“And that’s bound to have some side effects like the emotional distance and the eventual realization of what she’s done and subsequent regret.”

“And she’ll have nightmares for years to come.”

“I just hope that she can handle it on her own, what with her and Davina splitting.”

“I still can’t believe that Davina’s been doing that all this time.  She certainly pulled the wool over my eyes.”

“Both of our eyes.  I can’t believe neither of us caught it.”

“Well, we’re not there anymore and when we were there, Davina and Jordan didn’t live close enough by for us to know what was going on at home.  We knew if Jake and Delilah were fighting before we moved out here.  They lived out back.  We knew if Malachai and Mandy were fighting because they would come to us with every single issue.  We knew if James and you know who were fighting because we could hear them in our room.”

“Jordan’s always tried to stay a private person since she became famous.  That includes keeping things from us, especially if they involve home.”


“What upsets me most is that, according to the kids, she’s neglectful.  How can you have better things to do than play with your kids?  I was never too busy to play with the kids.”

“There were times when I was but I was running a business from home.  I tried to make sure that if you were home, that I had time to spend with the kids and you.  When you were on the road, I cut back on my appointment load so that I could spend time with the kids and help them with homework.”

“And that’s my point.  I made time when we were working on a new record and during downtime.  You made time while keeping the house running.  There’s no way she’s that busy.”

“I know.  It honestly pisses me off.  And Jasmine’s her daughter biologically.  Jordan’s more of a mother to her than Davina.”

“I know.  At least we can say that Jordan’s good with kids.”

“She’s great with kids.  One of the few things I think she got from both of us.”  She felt her stomach grumble.  “I think it’s time to eat.  I’m starting to get hungry.”

“Test your sugar and take your insulin.  I’ll make breakfast this morning.”

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